
Salisbury students on campus

Academic Affairs

91短视频’s highest purpose is to “cultivate and sustain a superior learning community” and the Office of Academic Affairs serves to make sure that we fulfill our academic mission.

The Office of Academic Affairs (also known as the Provost’s Office) is primarily responsible for the academic functions on campus. Use this home page as your jumping off point for all things academic at SU.

Administration and Staff

View our full list of administration, staff and contacts for the various functions that fall under the Office of Academic Affairs.

Offices and Organizations

Several offices and organizations of the University report to the Office of Academic Affairs. From cultural groups to faculty development to international education, check them out:

Curriculum Resources

  • Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
    In the University catalog, find the requirements for every program (both undergraduate and graduate) at SU. You will also find four-year curriculum guides for the undergraduate majors. To generate a printable document (checklist or guide), click the “Print Degree Planner” icon on the top right of the page. Degree Planner Icon